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Month: February 2022

Commemorating Rinpoche’s 5th Parinirvana Anniversary

Join us for 30 days of holy activities to generate great merits and positive energy dedicated to the health, well-being and happiness of all sentient beings, and most importantly to the swift return of our precious guru His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.

Chanting mantras correctly

Chanting mantras with concentration, visualisation and the right mental attitude is an important part of Tibetan Buddhist practice. As many of us have limited time for spiritual practice, we’ve put together this simple guide to help you get the most out of your mantra recitations with the same amount of time and effort.

Say goodbye to poor puja practices

Whatever puja we’re attending, we should participate in it correctly even if it’s online. This is particularly relevant as we’ve all gotten used to doing things online, including pujas. Check out this simple guide to attending online pujas.

Making food offerings

When you offer food to the Buddhas, you create the causes to receive sustenance and to have your material needs met, so that you can focus on your spiritual development...

5 ways to love more

The secret to being loved is to love more yourself. However, although we all want to feel more love, we may not know how to love more. Fortunately, our founder Tsem Rinpoche taught five simple and effective ways.