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Category: Teachings

Commemorating Rinpoche’s 5th Parinirvana Anniversary

Join us for 30 days of holy activities to generate great merits and positive energy dedicated to the health, well-being and happiness of all sentient beings, and most importantly to the swift return of our precious guru His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.

Spirituality & pets

If you're an animal lover or paw-rent, you’re probably doing your best to care for your furkids, protect them from harm, and provide them with a happy life. But beyond physical health and mental stimulation, did you know you can also provide spiritual wellness for your furriend?

How to use prayer wheels

Prayer wheel practice is a powerful way to purify negative karma, accumulate merits and bless yourself, the environment and all sentient beings. Watch the video to learn more about prayer wheels and how to use them properly.

Chanting mantras correctly

Chanting mantras with concentration, visualisation and the right mental attitude is an important part of Tibetan Buddhist practice. As many of us have limited time for spiritual practice, we’ve put together this simple guide to help you get the most out of your mantra recitations with the same amount of time and effort.

Say goodbye to poor puja practices

Whatever puja we’re attending, we should participate in it correctly even if it’s online. This is particularly relevant as we’ve all gotten used to doing things online, including pujas. Check out this simple guide to attending online pujas.

How to make water offerings

Learn the correct way to make water offerings, their benefits, and some of the common dos and don’ts, then put it into practice to accumulate vast merits for your spiritual journey.

How to practise refuge

The refuge prayer is a fundamental part of every prayer, puja and retreat. Therefore, when we recite the refuge formula every day, we should also engage in the appropriate visualisations.

Why pilgrimages?

The Buddhist tradition of making pilgrimages began with Buddha Shakyamuni, who advised that when he passed away, disciples could visit four main sites and make aspirational prayers there. He advised that all Buddhas of the past had...

The farm of your mind

This advice was given to the Kechara Forest Retreat team in 2015 by our Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. It is shared here as it is applicable to everyone who wishes to advance in their spiritual practice and maintain a supreme Guru-Disciple relationship with their own teachers.

How to dissolve Dharma items

If you have a pile of old or damaged Buddhist texts, Dharma materials or images that you no longer need, it’s important to dispose of them in the correct way. Watch the video for a method to dissolve and discard Dharma items that you don’t want to keep.

Prostration retreat to purify karma

Through the act of prostrating and taking refuge in the Three Jewels, we can purify our negative actions accumulated through our body, speech and mind. We purify karma accumulated from…