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Sixteen Arhats Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Auspicious prayers and offerings to Buddha Shakyamuni and the 16 Arhats to generate merits for spiritual development and for the growth of our spiritual guide’s teachings and legacy.

Cittamani Tara Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Come under the protection, love and care of the Compassionate Mother of all Buddhas in her highest yoga tantric form.

Soongdrup Blessing Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Join us for a special blessing puja which will take us one step closer to the final consecration of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s 7ft statue.

Shenyingdudog: Heart Sutra with Rituals

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Dispel spirit harm, unseen disturbances and negative supernatural influences with 252 recitations of the Heart Sutra and extensive offerings of ritual cakes.

Gossip Cutting Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Disperse negative energy and overcome problems and obstacles created by gossip, rumours, and malicious talk of all kinds.

400 Offering Gyabshi Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Call upon the blessings of Yamantaka, Setrap and Buddha Shakyamuni to clear dangerous obstacles of health, financial and supernatural causes which cannot be overcome by other means.