In January 2021, the management of Kechara and Tsem Ladrang consulted with our protector Dorje Shugden for advice on what pujas should be done to clear obstacles for the successful completion of the Tsem Rinpoche Relic Stupa Project, for Tsem Ladrang and Kechara to be successful in preserving our lineage and benefitting others, and for the health, wellbeing and spiritual success of Rinpoche’s students.
Dorje Shugden provided a list of pujas that should be done for this purpose. These pujas are currently in progress at our puja house, and also at the monastery. They will be done on a monthly basis for the rest of the year.
Our protector also advised that all students should put their energies together to recite Dorje Shugden kawang as much as possible, dedicated towards these purposes.
Therefore, we recommend for everyone who can to recite more kawang during your daily sadhana, a minimum of 21 times and preferably more (e.g. 1 mala). During the recitation, visualise that all the obstacles are purified and cleared so that we individually and collectively can be of great benefit to others, through spreading Rinpoche’s teachings and lineage, and by bringing all of our Dharma projects to successful fruition.
To know more about the kawang practice, you can speak to any of our pastors or refer to articles on Rinpoche’s blog like this one.
- Kawang: A Dorje Shugden Confessional Practice by Pastor David Lai